Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (Military IPPIS)

To improve the quality of public services, IPPIS aim at providing a centralized database system that provides accurate information to the general public. Our main objective is to smooth the progress of storage and maintenance of personal records and prevent the leakages by making sure that remuneration of the staff is based on accurate information. We focus on accomplishing the greater efficiency in the public sector by supporting the NICI plans and e-Government agenda.


We will always respect your privacy and the privacy of your personal information.


We understand that each employee is unique. We will always begin by first trying to understand your concerns from your point of view.


We will always work together to support the needs of the employee, the MDAs and other stakeholders.


We are truthful in all we say and all we do. And we are consistent in our application of policies and procedures for all employees.


We pay all employees the amount they are due on the schedule they are due to be paid. If a mistake occurs, regardless of the source of the problem, we will ensure the mistake is resolved within a reasonable time depending on the circumstances of the case


We will always behave in a manner that deserves your trust and your respect. You can be confident that we apply best practice policies and procedures consistently, fairly and accurately for all employees.

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Ghost workers in Nigeria removed from payroll
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